A Cozy Classroom Needs A Standing Table

The Description

With these funds I will purchase a standing table for our classroom. I am moving into a new classroom and Grade this summer. My new room is really small. I am taking out the bulky tables and chairs to make more room. I am transitioning toward a more relaxed atmosphere with various tables and seating options.

This type of seating provides a calming environment for students with ADHD. It allows them the freedom to move around without being punished. The research I've read states that classrooms are more productive and quieter with flexible seating.

I am also hoping to purchase a new rug for a new classroom I am moving into.

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal I will purchase these items myself. I have already begun collecting items over the summer that I've found at discount stores and resale shops.

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About the Creator

I'm from a small rural area in Northwest Tennessee. I've taught 23 years in the school I grew up in. I've taught First Grade, Kindergarten and Pre-K. I just found out a few weeks ago that I am moving back to First Grade after being in Kindergarten and Pre-K for many years. I am also the High School Cheer Coach.