Light Up Our Learning!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will purchase a DELL laptop computer and a rechargeable battery for classroom student usage.  My students need practice opportunities utilizing our district's approved and purchased software programs including:  Grolier Online databases, TrueFlix, MackinVIA, Scholastic Reading Counts, Scholastic Reading Inventory, Tumblebooks, and TyperInstructorWeb.  Additionally, my students will interact within the MobyMax software program.  MobyMax provides math, reading, writing, and language practice skills for students at their individual instructional level.  Students can earn game time and reward badges within MobyMax.  Also, my students will connect, collaborate, complete, and reflect concerning academia within our classroom community group of Edmodo.  Edmodo is an innovative and safe social media site connecting teachers, students, and parents.

Technology is here to stay.  Educators must strive to teach students in a digital method, because they live in a digital world.  My fifth grade students need additional, purposeful, instructional, individualized, and engaging practice opportunities with technology in order to become the successful problem solvers, communicators, collaborators, and developers of tomorrow!

Budget Request:

1-DELL Latitude E6410 notebook computer        $389

1-9 cell battery for the DELL Latitude E6410      $69

Shipping                                                            $20

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will continue seeking crowdfunding opportunities, developing and submitting grant applications, and entering eligible contests to secure the total funds needed to purchase this DELL laptop and rechargeable battery for the benefit of my 21st century students!

Fundraiser Updates (3)

Thank You!!

April 29, 2015

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to integrate technology into our fifth grade classroomm.  As an educator it is essential to teach my students using a variety of techniques and instructional tools!  We appreciate your interest in our learning, kindness, and monetary support!      

Update to PledgeCents Spirit Night Fundraiser

April 7, 2015

Colton's Steak House and Grill kindly hosted a PledgeCents Spirit Night Fundraiser for my classroom project!  Ten percent of the total sales between 4-8 p.m. were donated towards "Light Up Our Learning!"  It was an awesome opportunity for my students and their families to enjoy a dinner together at a restaurant that was supporting their learning!  Several of my extended family members and friends also joined my family and patronized Colton's on this special evening!  Colton's Steak House and Grill generously donated almost $300 towards our project!  We are so thankful for their interest and support of our learning environment!!   

PledgeCents Spirit Night Fundraiser Event!

March 4, 2015

Join us for a fundraiser that will benefit our classroom!


When:     Tuesday, March 24th, 2015


Time:     4PM-8PM (DINE-IN ONLY)

              Colton's Steak House & Grill

               2415 Missouri Blvd.

               Jefferson City, MO


How:       Tell the cashier you’re supporting    

                   Mrs. Maloney’s class from West

                   School, write your student’s name

                   on the back of the receipt, return

                   it to the cashier and 10% of the sales

                   will be donated to our class



Why:       Eat great food, socialize with other

                   parents and students, and help us

                   earn money for our  

          classroom project!



Comments (3)

Lisa Maloney April 7, 2015

Thank you, Colton's Steak House and Grill for allowing a PledgeCents Spirit Night fundraising event! My students and I really appreciate your interest and kindness!

Lisa Maloney February 7, 2015

Thank you so much, Rhonda James, for your kind words and support! My students and I appreciate your generosity!

Rhonda James February 7, 2015

Thanks for all you do to encourage, motivate, and captivate your students and the learning process!

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About the Creator

This is my 14th year of teaching. I am a fifth grade elementary education teacher in Missouri. My talented students thrive from learning opportunities that showcase their creative thinking. I want my students to become academically competitive in the 21st century work force. These 21st century learning skills include; creative expression, communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. Projects and inquiry-based learning experiences encompassing these skills often times lead to a higher level of student learning occurring. Your generous donation and support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for investing in tomorrow's leaders!

Investments (4)


Lisa Maloney

9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago


Rhonda James

10 years ago