Make the unimaginable, imaginable by helping fund our Destination Imagination Team!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

So many of the middle school students at my school have a flair for the arts but do not have an outlet to let their talents shine. By participating in the Destination Imagination team, they will be able to create, write a play, design sets and costumes, and compete in regional tournaments with this play. This opportunity will allow students to academically express themselves in a non-traditional environment. However, to participate in this national competition there is a $145 registration fee. Much like athletics, students have to try out for this team and seven students will make the final cut.

Here is some official information about Destination Imagination, a national organization. Destination Imagination (DI) is a non-profit, volunteer-led, cause-driven organization. The purpose is to inspire and equip students to become the next generation of innovators and leaders. Annually, they offer seven new standards-based Challenges in STEM, Improv, Visual Arts, Service Learning, and Early Learning. Each Challenge is open-ended and enables student teams to learn and experience the creative process from imagination to innovation. Academic tournaments take place around the world where teams have the opportunity to present their solutions to trained appraisers. Students have fun and gain confidence in their ability to solve any challenge. In working to solve the Challenges, teams learn 21st century skills (creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, citizenship and courage) to build on their unique strengths.

Back Up Plan

If we don't reach our entire goal we will use what funds have been collected to go towards our start-up costs for the team. To have a seven member team, there is a registration fee of $145.

Fundraiser Updates (1)

Destination Imagination Lives!

September 10, 2014

Although we did not meet our goal, we were able to use the funds raised to go towards our registration fee for a middle school Destination Imagination team at The Soulsville Charter School. We have had over 40 students sign-up to tryout for Destination Imagination and we have an officially registered team with the Destination Imagination organization! After our tryouts next week, we will begin team practices in preparation for our March competition. I am so excited to begin this journey with The Soulsville Charter School middle school scholars!

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About the Creator

I am extremely passionate about urban education and like the charter school system as it allows students to gain a rigorous education. In my current post at a charter school, I serve as the reading teacher for revolutionary sixth grade scholars. I am a firm believer in closing the achievement gap through making learning applicable to students and understanding student environments. This is why I love teaching reading. I have developed a curriculum that allows students to make real world connections to various fiction and non-fiction texts. I also encourage students to improve their literacy and writing skills through independent reading, and help my students seek out high interest texts.
Previous to teaching in the middle school, I was an adjunct instructor of communications at the University of Memphis. I also served as the elementary special programs coordinator at a government-operated school in South Korea. There, I learned the absolute importance of differentiated instruction and scaffolding in English language learning, as I often taught classrooms filled with Russian, French, Japanese, and Korean native speakers.

Investments (1)


Thomas C Upchurch

10 years ago