Classroom Libraries

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Students at KIPP Memphis Collegiate Middle School (KMCM) need the community’s support in order to access great books. You can help by donating money to buy books for the 2016-2017 school year.


Beginning in August of 2015, 49 seventh and eighth grade students at KMCM embarked on a quest to read 300,000 pages and, by increasing their reading volume, grow two years in reading in one year. As of mid-March, these 49 students have read 367 books! They are on track to grow two years or more in reading, and an essential part of their growth is the classroom library their teacher, Ms. Seay, put together. Reading growth is essential to our kids’ future success in high school and beyond.


Because of the success of these 49 students, KMCM wants to expand the choice-reading program next year to all 260 of our 5th through 8th grade students, but in order to do that we need all of our ELA teachers to have classroom libraries of high-interest, young adult literature. The average price of novels ranges from $7.57 for mass-market paperbacks to about $20 for hard cover books. A good classroom library needs to have at least 250 books at the beginning of a school year, and to keep kids’ interest peaked teachers must to add titles to the class library throughout the year. We estimate that it takes $800 to create a starter library for the year, and about $200-$300 every two months to buy fresh titles.

Back Up Plan

If we do not meet our goal we will purchase as many books as possible with the funds we have available. 

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Comments (1)

Jeremy B April 13, 2016


Thanks for reaching out and setting this up. We're always happy to provide support for the great things you are doing down in Memphis.

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About the Creator

I am the Co-Principal at KIPP Memphis Collegiate Middle School in Memphis, Tennessee. I previously taught a variety of social studies courses including government, economics, and geography for three years in Clarksdale, Mississippi at Coahoma County High School. After my experience in Mississippi, I moved to New Orleans, Louisiana where I joined the KIPP team and family for the first time and taught 7th Grade social studies at KIPP Central City Academy for four years. While at KCCA, I served as grade level team leader and social studies department chair. I worked as a Corps Member Advisor at Teach For America’s summer institute in the Delta in 2010 and in Atlanta in 2011. I worked at TNTP’s Pre-Service Training as a Teacher Development Coach in 2013 and as a Seminar Instructor for TNTP’s teacher certification program in Louisiana for the 2012-13 school year. I received my B.B.A. in Economics and Management from the University of Iowa and my B.S. in Social Science Education from Illinois State University.