Help Start Cardinals Wrestling!

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Help us start our founding team for our wrestling program at KIPP: Austin Collegiate in Austin, Texas!

We are seeking assistance in raising funds for a competition mat and uniforms for our student athletes, so that they may enroll and compete in a Texas high school league as well as state wide competitions with Texas USA Wrestling.

Under the guidance of Head Coach Chris Mellody, our program looks to take athletics beyond sports competition, and focuses on developing student-athletes that embody strong character and family values who actively seek to improve their communities by participating in philanthropic activities and furthering their own education.  We believe that athletics can play a crucial role in supporting and motivating students to excel academically and behaviorally. KIPP's mission is to educate students from traditionally under-served communities, and strives to send every student that enrolls to and through college.

Back Up Plan

Unfortunately, we do not have the funds in our athletics budget to start a program in the foreseeable future without outside funding. We are humbly asking for any support you are able to give so that our athletes have the opportunity to compete and grow stronger as young adults.

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