Latino Graduation (Graduación Latina)

The Description

The funds collected will be used for purchasing items to host a special graduation ceremony for Latino Students at Santa Cruz High School. This event is meant to celebrate cultural diversity on our campus in order to create a more inclusive atmosphere by providing food, music and a dance performance.  

Los fondos recaudados se utilizarán para la compra de artículos para celebrar una ceremonia especial de graduación para los estudiantes latinos en Santa Cruz High School. Este evento está destinado a celebrar la diversidad cultural en nuestra escuela con el objetivo de crear un ambiente más inclusivo, proporcionando comida, música y un espectáculo de danza. 

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal we will attempt to receive as many donations as possible in order for the event to take place. 

Si no alcanzamos nuestro objetivo, intentaremos recibir el máximo número de donaciones para que el evento pueda celebrarse. 

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Comments (1)

Jose Gomez April 15, 2024

Have fun and celebrate your special day!

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About the Creator

My name is Jose Gomez and I am the Community Coordinator at Santa Cruz High School. The funds raised through this website will be used to host a Latino Graduation Celebration before the school year ends. Thank you for all your help in advance!