
Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will...

Purchase the novel "Push" by Sapphire for my freshman class to read. These will become a classroom set that each student will be able to read independently and use for various analysis activities.

There would be 2 sets, one for my even day classes and one for my odd day classes totaling 55 novels ($8.72 each). 

Here is the link for the novel on Barnes and Nobles: Push.

Back Up Plan


I will purchase as many novels as the funds I raise allow. 

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About the Creator

I am an English Teacher at Lake Worth High School in South Florida. I work primarily with 9th grade students. I, along with a my fellow colleagues Ms. Hansborough and Ms. Hernandez are mentors in QUEENs, a mentoring organization for young women.

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