Setting Students Up for Success

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

My students are 11th graders, gearing up for a big year that requires writing many essays for college and in my course, reading rigorous texts that require plenty of materials for studying. I need 120 students' worth of pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, journals, resources, English to Spanish dictionaries, books, poster materials, student project materials, USBs, and other resources that could set my students up for utmost success. I want my students to be college ready, and while I can devote my time in and out of the classroom to build a future for them, I can not afford my classroom materials on my own. Please consider supporting my page and sharing it to your friends so I can provide my Juniors with an unforgettable year.

Back Up Plan

Every cent will go toward my classroom and the supplies. I will purchase as many supplies with the funds raised.

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About the Creator

I'm an eleventh grade teacher, and my goal is for my students to be ready to apply for colleges and to begin their careers.

I'll be teaching Instructional Rhetoric and Composition, a course with approximately 120 students that requires many texts, pens, pencils, paper, USBs, calendars, journals, highlighters, organizers, and other necessary classroom materials. I want to set my students up for success, so every dollar counts.