Ensuring Excellence in Our Safe Haven!

The Description

Back to school supplies are needed in our safe haven to ensure student success and what better way to contribute then to give to a classroom in need! As I am entering my second year of teaching, I of course feel the distinct need to change the world one student at a time. My first year of teaching was filled with ups and downs but I always ensured that my students felt safe and as if it was a second home.

I encountered many students with whom had parents who were in the Armed Forces and could not be there with them physically. Due to this absence the parents yearned for photographs and constant video updates to see what their student was doing in class. It warmed my heart to receive thank you messages due to the fact that I posted on ClassDojo so frequently. To know that a parent from Afghanistan felt like he was back at home from my brief videos made me feel great and it made that student take even more pride in their daily work which thus boosted their achievement. I share this to give some background knowledge as to why I would love to receive funds to purchase a HUE HD Pro camera for my classroom. This camera will allow me to record presentations, snap photographs and even record lessons within my classroom. With this camera I can not only make my craft go viral but I will be able to assist the student in need who needs to see me reteach a lesson they may not have understood in class. I can also reach that child at home who is struggling with a concept on their homework. All in all with this camera I can reach and do more for my students than I possibly could without it.

Aside from the camera I would love to get large bean bag chairs for the reading nook. These chairs will provide a sense of comfort in my classroom that I otherwise would not have. This comfort can not be attained by the standard classroom furniture we are humbly provided with. The chairs will even assist me with my classroom management as it will provide an area for my emotionally challenging students to cool down as needed.

As I have mentioned the camera and chairs I would love to purchase I also must mention that basic school supplies that are needed. I plan to have a school year in which my students will not have to want for anything, having all items needed for their success within my classroom. The school supplies needed are:

Any donation no matter big or small will help tremendously in my journey to create a safe haven for my students!

"Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation." - John F. Kennedy

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal I will persist in finding the funds to cover everything I would love to have for our classroom.

Fundraiser Updates (1)


September 9, 2017

Thank you so much to those of you who have donated to my cause. The students are surely going to appreciate the small and large donations. I have one week left to fundraise and would appreciate if this was shared as much as possible!

Comments (1)

Jamia August 2, 2017

I pray you have a beautiful school year!

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About the Creator

Welcome to my page!

I am a 3rd grade teacher within Clark County School District, located in Las Vegas, Nevada. My classroom is a safe haven where I take pride in doing everything I can for every student in my classroom in order to promote student excellence!

Investments (4)


Jamia Williams

6 years ago


Robert Eccles

6 years ago


Trinette Burton

6 years ago


Takira Gray

6 years ago