Bringing Technology to Each Student

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will...purchase two Chromebooks. Our school has implemented Study Island this school year. This program helps students master grade level standards in a fun way. Study Island has been a great tool for my students, especially the ones that have special needs. They are very engaged with the educational games. Teachers are able to monitor progress of each student which allows the teacher to adjust assignments for their students. Having two more Chromebooks to go along with the others we have in the classroom will allow more of my students an opportunity to complete assignments via Study Island.

My students deserve these Chromebooks to have access to technology.  Technology continues to advance and we need to advance with it.  The only way we can help our students is to have technology available for them to use.

These Chromebooks will be purchased through a vendor that works directly with my school district.  Each Chromebook will cost about $325 which will include a management license and a warranty.

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will Chromebook if funds allow, if not, I will purchase an ink cartridge for our classroom printer.  We are only allotted so many copies on our school copy machine.  My students have interactive notebooks and need copies of several activities in order to complete their notebooks. Having enough ink will allow me a way to provide the necessary materials that they need to work on their notebooks.

Fundraiser Updates (1)

School Supplies

May 7, 2016

Thank you for donating to my cause.  With your donation I was able to purchase some much needed crayons.  My students complete a lot of activities that involve coloring, so we go through crayons quickly.  I appreciate your support.

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About the Creator

I teach ELA and social studies to two groups of wonderful fourth graders. I have introduced Chromebooks to them. I would love to be able to provide more in order to have enough for each student.

Investments (1)



8 years ago