The Living Wall Project

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will help the students to build a "Living Wall" which is a wooden structure that will be fastened to the wall that the students will be able to plant several different types of seeds and some plants to observe and interact with throughout many lessons and the school year.

These students deserve this for so many reasons. This experience provides them the opportunity to work as a team, plan strategically to anticipate future growth, and responsibility. Along with many skills that this helps to facilitate, there are also many students who have never taken a science course before so this could provide a very engaging and impressionable first science lab. These students deserve the opportunity to use tangible science and observe their hard work throughout the school year. This will also employ responsibility as it will need to be maintained. It will serve to build relationships with their teammates and the confidence of the individual. These students deserve to feel good and confident in their abilities to build something with tangible results, as well as develop themselves as scientist.


(12) 2 x4 non treated wood

(20) packages of seeds of fern and beans

(4) Moss

(3) live fern

(2) Ivy

(1) cactus


4 yards of vinyl  lining

Small Package of screws

(drill, staple gun, and hammer already in possession)

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase the plants and we will create a small garden in the back of the classroom that will remain in the corner of the lab. This will remain a steady project for the students to participate in planting and tracking the plant's growth.

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About the Creator

I am trying to create a stimulating environment for students that is both welcoming and educational. As a class, we are going to study the process of photosynthesis and using the scientific method, we will plant, track, record, and interpret our data of the plants that are growing in the classroom. The interacting "Living Wall" will also provide an asthetically pleasing wall for the students to view during lecture.

Investments (1)



8 years ago