Let's Laugh! HS Improv League Team @ HTHNC
Verified Non-Profit
$1,631 goal
The Description
With these funds, the drama club students will be able to join the city wide High School Improv League and compete in league games and the city-wide high school improv tournament. The League is run by San Diego's National Comedy Theatre, a collective that has been in San Diego for fifteen years and is San Diego's longest running show with over 4, 000 performances.
The following information is taken from the National Comedy Theatre HSL Packet 2017-2018
"Using professional improvisers as instructors, the League instructs students using both theory and hands-on experience. Students receive classes on their high school campus, as well as attending workshops at the NCT performance space in Mission Hills (near Old Town). With minimal supervision from a faculty advisor, and in coordination with National Comedy Theatre coaches, students choose captains to lead the team, organize regular practices and arrange for performances with other schools."
These funds will bring students:
*On campus classes from professional National Comedy Theatre cast members- coaches will teach 4 training sessions per year (2 per semester) and are available via phone and email for questions and advice about improv issues.
*All Schools Training at the National Comedy Theatre performance space where students have the opportunity to learn new skills and interact with other members of the League in a supervised setting
*Rehearsals for competition
*Performances on campus and on other high school campuses
*Uniforms for students, that they design and create themselves
*Faculty training from the National Comedy Theatre coach for the Drama Club advisor
*Entrance fee for the Annual Tournament, where League schools come together at the NCT performance space for a multi-day tournament. Teams compete against multiple schools and are judged by NCT staff on a variety of criteria, including teamwork, knowledge of the improv games, scene work skills, and of course, how well they perform.
*At the end of the tournament, NCT will host a pizza and awards party where the winning team receives a trophy, while other teams receive awards in other categories. The weekend after the tournament, the winning team competes against the NCT professional team, during one of the regularly scheduled weekend performances.
*All Star Show: After the League Champions vs. NCT show, participants from each team have an opportunity to compete in the annual All-Stars Show. Schools nominate one member from their team to participate in this show, where they are placed with members from other teams. This show also takes place in the NCT performance space during a regularly scheduled weekend performance.
You can learn more about the National Comedy Theatre High School League here.
Back Up Plan
If we do not meet our goal, all of the funds collected will go to our dues for High School Improv League and we will continue to fundraise through different activities and sales at school.
About the Creator
Your Impact
Shirt for a student
1 Ticket to the National Comedy Theatre
Transportation Money
Improv Class!
All Schools Training
Investments (1)
6 years ago
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