Math In Action

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will be able to provide each student with interactive notebooks and individual whiteboards (dry erase boards). Our teachers work hard to make each Math class innovative and fun! Incorporating interactive math notebooks will push our students to be more organized and take ownership in their academics. Our teachers provide students with tons of materials and activities that often get lost in the shuffle of traditional binders. Having these notebooks will help students keep up with their work, allow them a reference tool for studying, and serve as formative data for teachers. The personal whiteboards allow teachers to increase student engagement and mix up traditional ways of quick assessments.

Despite the fact that society in every way has already written our students off as being intelligent productive citizens one day, we have extremely high academic expectations for our students. They deserve every resource we can possibly provide them in an effort to make their educational experience top notch. Our students historically performed low in the area of Mathematics and are often unmotivated. Over the past year we have seen major gains in proficiency and motivation. With these additional resources we can continue to push the bar in our math classes.


We will purchase composition notebooks and individual student white boards per student in grades 3rd-5th.

Composition Notebooks; Cost Per Unit: $0.92 (48 units per case). We need 600 units which means we need 13 cases. Cost per case $44.16.


Individual Whiteboards (dry erase boards); Cost Per Case of 24 is $29.99. We would need 25 cases.


If you have ever wanted to make an immediate impact on students and teachers, this is the cause for you! Help us continue to bring "Math in Action" to life.

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase either the interactive notebooks or the whiteboards per teacher request. If I do not raise enough for 1 per student I will purchase as many sets as I can and divide them evenly amongst teachers.

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Comments (1)

Katrina Armor November 16, 2015

Thank you Anonymous! Your kind donation has pushed us that much closer to reaching our goals! Way to make a difference. We appreciate you!

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About the Creator

I currently support 3rd-5th grade Math teachers as an instructional coach. My teachers work in an economically disadvantaged community. Serving students that have been labeled as performing in the bottom 5% in the state. Everything they do is in the name of student achievement. Everything I do is in support of them being the best they can be for their students.

Investments (7)



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago



8 years ago