Lift Big, Live Big

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will...replace the antiquated and dilapidated equipment that the students of Lake Worth have gotten used to using. It's unsafe and of poor quality and our students should never be used to having low quality equipment because our kids are not low quality kids.


I will be buying new weightlifting equipment. Each unit will be roughly $2,500. We will be buying 4 of them, then with the bars and platforms and other associated equipment, the overall cost is a little under $21,000. Attached are photos of our gym as it is now as well as a link to, the builders of premium lifting units for premium high school programs. There is also an estimate of the cost as detailed by Wright Equipment 



Wright Premium Double Half Rack Plus

4 units @ $2,465 each = $9,860

Wright Premium Bench USA

8 units @ $385 each = $3,080


Wright 2" Bolt on Olympic Platform

8 units @ $775 each = $6,200

HS Olympic Power Bar (standard handle)

8 units @ $200 each = $1,600

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my financial goal then I will use the money that is raised to make as many improvements as is possible to make. A priority is definitely the...Wright Premium Double Half Rack Plus - A space saving unit that is now the standard in weightlifting gear for high schools throughout North America.

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About the Creator

Sheldon Harriott- I've been a teacher for 16 good years and a coach for almost all of that time. I come from a family of educators and competitive coaches, so I've always had the expertise of my family to help me grow. I believe in the power of education because I have seen its power to change lives. It changed mine.