FCA Huddle Bibles for HISD Inner City Schools

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will...

Give inner-city HISD FCA Huddles (Campus Bible Study's) a Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Athletes Bible. The mission of FCA is "To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes."  This is just one of the many ways FCA seeks to reach coaches and athletes in order to make an impact for Jesus Christ.

Each FCA Athlete Bible costs $9.95.

Each high school Huddle participant will receive an FCA Athletes Bible that includes the Old and New Testaments, Team devotionals, coach and athlete devotionals, respectively, Scripture reference for current issues in our world, outline of what it means to place your trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and ultimately they will have God’s word so that they may learn, grow, and influence others for Jesus Christ.

With these funds we will hope impact roughly 150 young people through providing the God's Word for their lives. 

With your contribution to this cause FCA will be able to multiply our influence by not only giving these high schoolers FCA Athlete Bibles, but it will allow FCA and other ministry partners to open up conversations about the Christian life and what it means to live for Jesus Christ. Will you join in me in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with these inner city FCA Huddle participants? 

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal we will purchase as many FCA Athlete Bibles as possible for this particular football team. The funds from this cause will only be used for the purchase of Bibles that will directly impact the lives of these HISD inner-city Huddle participants.

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About the Creator

My name is Chris McInturff and I serve a ministry called Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). I've been married for 6 years with a son and one child on the way. I am an Area Representative for FCA. Before FCA, I served as a coach for 12 years coaching football, basketball, and track. I also have volunteer experience in student ministries for 7 years.

FCA is a sports ministry and our vision is to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. I joined this ministry as a former coach of 12 years and I see how important the influence of a coach is on young people. My goal is to have a spiritual impact on our community