Expanding AP Opportunities

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Barringer Academy of S.T.E.A.M. is a Title I-eligible school in the North Ward of Newark, New Jersey. We have been striving to expand our Advanced Placement class options; currently, we offer AP English Composition, AP English Language and Lit, AP World History, AP Spanish, and AP Art. However, growing a collection of AP courses is a long and expensive process, with AP Certifications generally costing around $1,000 per teacher. More relevant to our students is the reality that the more esoteric AP courses require having teachers who can specialize in very specific content; while our English teachers can be trained to teach an AP English Lit class, it's much harder for a school in our fiscal position to find someone who can also teach a course like AP Psychology. This means that our students are largely tied to AP courses that are focused on their teacher's interests and are less able to pursue Advance Placement in courses that could be relevant to their long term interests and goals.

To solve this problem, I am raising money to provide scholarships for ten of our students to pilot a program that utilizes Massive Online Open Courseware from EdX.org* to participate in AP classes. Students would then have regular check-ins with myself to report on their progress, request support, ask clarifying questions, and more. The courses are created by instructors at prestigious colleges and universities around the world and are academically rigorous and challenging. Because it utilizes a network of schools and teachers from around the world, the options for AP courses are incredibly varied: Students will be able to choose from multiple AP Economics classes, Physics classes, Psychology, World Languages, and more.

An important note is that this is a pilot program that is focused specifically on making sure that are students are exposed to rigorous high-level content in a content that is focused on their long term goals and interests. Verified EdX certificates are not applicable as Advanced Placement credits** (they will not take the place of a first year class at any institution of higher learning); however, they are a strong college application builder as they highlight the student's academic capabilities and drive. Additionally, research shows that verified certificates are a proven motivator for students to finish MOOCs that they begin. Your donation will go towards ensuring that our pilot of ten students receive the certificate and recognition they deserve for completing such rigorous classes. Most importantly, it will empower students to pursue academic interests that are centered around their long-term interests while receiving individual support from an advisory teacher to keep them on track.

*EdX is a Massive Online Open Courseware platform founded by Harvard and MIT. Courses on EdX are available for free with the option to upgrade to a verified certificate for a small fee - in the case of their AP courses, this fee is $49. These verified certificates can be included on resumes, LinkedIn profiles, applications, and other similar things. EdX is a non-profit organization; verified certificate costs support their mission of providing open education for all.

**Currently. I am investigating what would need to happen for students to sit for the AP exam if they take a course that is also being offered at other schools in our district. I have no conclusive data on how possible this is, though.

Back Up Plan

Because of the nature of this project (providing $49 scholarships to individual students), the project is scalable based on funds-received. My principal and I agreed that 10 students would be a solid cohort to pilot the program with, but depending on funding that number can be both scaled down and scaled up.

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About the Creator

I am a sophomore/junior English teacher and current Teach For America New Jersey corps member. My specific educational interests involve maximizing learning through use of new media and finding ways to use technology to truly activate students' own interests.

Investments (4)


Joshua Myers

6 years ago


Liamog S. Drislane

6 years ago


Hillairy Brown

6 years ago


Dana Wise

6 years ago