Mathematical Confidence Project

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Main Idea:

  • These funds will help purchase 10 tablets or laptops which will allow nearly 100 students to receive math intervention in the 2015-2016 school year compared to only 45 in the 2014-2015 school year.
  • Having this technology next year will increase my students' math intervention time by 2,730 ADDITIONAL minutes compared to what my students received this year.

Background and data to support request:

  • In the 2014-2015 school year, with me working half time only, I was able to provide intervention services to 40 students and 79% of my students achieved over one year of growth, significantly closing the knowledge gap between my students and their peers.
  • With the technology, my students will be able to receive math intervention even on the days that my 1/2 time position doesn't allow me to be in the building.
  • For the increased intervention program to work, my students need consistent, reliable access to technology.
  • If I can get 10 laptops or tablets will allow every student in my groups to have an additional 30 minutes of math intervention compared to zero minutes on days I am not in the building.  Over the course of the year, this will add up to 2,730 ADDITIONAL minutes of math intervention compared to what my students received this year.

Thank you for considering this invitation to partner with a wonderful group of students and help us produce a generation of students who enjoy learning and have the skills they need to be successful, contributing members of society!


As a teacher, I believe my job is to create confident, capable human beings and math is the tool I have to teach!

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, I will purchase as many tablets or laptops as possible. Even 5 will increase contact with math time significantly over this previous year.

Fundraiser Updates (4)

Thank you notes coming! Kids love the Aleks program!

November 3, 2015

Hi Friends and family!!! 


We got the computers just over a month ago and have been using the ALEKS intervention program full swing since. Our kids LOVE the aleks program and really enjoy using the computers!!! Another awesome win is that our 3rd grade class now only has 2 students who are below grade level. We started the year off with 14 students below grade level. The intervention program we have created here at Mountain Vista is a HUGE part of that and the computers have allowed us to reach students consistently which we were not able to last year. Because I'm half time, last year I was only able to provide intervention 2-3 times per week. With the computers and the Aleks program our students are receiving 2x the intervention they received last year and we are already seeing that pay off before thanksgiving!!! I am having my students write thank you notes this week. So keep your eyes out for a mail box full of thank yous coming in the next couple weeks. :)


Thanks again all!! This is a HUGE and wide reaching gift!!!

7 Computers!!! :)

September 1, 2015

Hi friends!

The check from Pledge Cents just arrived and I was able to get a quote from the tech department. My campaign ended up being enough to purchase 7 laptops for my student!!! This is HUGE!!! I am so excited and so are my students! Thank you again for your generous support both for me and for my students!

School started Sept 18th and it has been so fun getting back into the swing of things with my students! My para (teacher's assistant) is a dream come true too. She has been teaching since 1992. She is so comfortable and confident around kids as well as having great content knowledge. I'm learning from her and she's technically my assistant.SO cool!

More updates to follow including pictures and some data once the computers come in (hopefully some time next week). 


Thanks again! Totally overwhelmed by you friends!





Pledge Campaign open for 2 more days!

August 12, 2015

WOW!!!! Friends! Thank you SO MUCH!!! We met the goal!!! This is INCREDIBLE!!! I am SO excited! My cause got a little blurb on Channel 11 news on the evening of Aug 11 and it got fully funded THAT NIGHT!!! I am absolutely overwhelmed with thanks and joy! I am really excited for this year and all it holds for my students! Thank you ALL for believing in me and for believing in my students!!!

Pledge Cents has decided to keep my project open for 2 more days (until Friday 8/14) for bonus investments. Extra computers/tablets cost about $400 so the $2260 already raised will let me purchase 5 devices. My hope was to have 10 and my school district had promised me 5 from left over laptops but I got an email on the 11th that they had miscounted the number of teachers in our district and those laptops they promised me will have to go to teachers. Ultimately I need 10 to be able to reach as many students as hope to. Each individual computer will let me serve between 5-15 students, depending on their level of intervention need. So please, if your heart is willing, any bonus investments will help me get one more device into the hands of my students. 

And THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you who have already donated! I CANNOT thank you enough! 

HURRARY!!!! WE DID IT!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) 

Campaign open for another 2 days! And THANK YOU!!!

August 12, 2015

WOW!!!! Friends! Thank you SO MUCH!!! We met the goal!!! This is INCREDIBLE!!! I am SO excited! My cause got a little blurb on Channel 11 news on the evening of Aug 11 and it got fully funded THAT NIGHT!!! I am absolutely overwhelmed with thanks and joy! I am really excited for this year and all it holds for my students! Thank you ALL for believing in me and for believing in my students!!!

Pledge Cents has decided to keep my project open for 2 more days (until Friday 8/14) for bonus investments. Extra computers/tablets cost about $400 so the $2260 already raised will let me purchase 5 devices. My hope was to have 10 and my school district had promised me 5 from left over laptops but I got an email on the 11th that they had miscounted the number of teachers in our district and those laptops they promised me will have to go to teachers. Ultimately I need 10 to be able to reach as many students as hope to. Each individual computer will let me serve between 5-15 students, depending on their level of intervention need. So please, if your heart is willing, any bonus investments will help me get one more device into the hands of my students. 

And THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you who have already donated! I CANNOT thank you enough! 

HURRARY!!!! WE DID IT!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) 

Comments (2)

Pastor Dean Hawk August 11, 2015

Hally, I saw your story on Channel 11 News tonight. Our goal as a church is to DARE TO CARE for our community in tangible ways, especially when it comes to children. An investment into a child's life pays great dividends in their future. Thank you for the tireless work you do to enhance a child's learning and make their future's brighter. We believe in your vision to help kids learn! We are also helping several local elementary schools with backpacks and school supplies - please email me if you have any students that need assistance and we will see what we can do.

I hope you and your students have a tremendous school year! God's best to you and Mountain Vista Community School!


Lanie and John May 31, 2015

We matched your pledges to date. You have a great strategy for kids here!! Good luck and hope lots of people will see the value in this!!

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About the Creator

I choose to go into teaching because I realized that I could make more of a preventative and positive impact giving kids knowledge and confidence than I could in the medical field. I am currently a math interventionist meaning I work with the highest-risk population at my school, supporting them in the basic skills they need to be successful in their regular classroom. I work with kinder-6th grade and I love my students. They are joyful and their desire to learn astounds me daily!

Investments (9)


Kathleen Kohler

9 years ago


Julie Meeker

9 years ago


Kristin Chadwick

9 years ago



9 years ago


Dean Hawk Rock Family Church

9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago


Curtis W Jernigan

9 years ago


Kayla Robinson

9 years ago