Cultivating Creativity & Computational Thinking With BirdBrain Technologies

The Description

As a STEM educator, it is important that my students are able to apply the topics we learn about. Robotics is one of the easiest ways to apply many of the topics we cover whether it is math, science, engineering, or computer science. Robotics covers so many aspects that when a student is able to build a functioning robot that it makes many of these high level concepts more concrete. That is why I want to introduce my students to robotics through BirdBrain Technologies.

The Finch is a small robot designed to inspire and delight students learning computer science by providing them a tangible physical representation of their coding. The Hummingbird is a kit that allows students to create and program robots built from electronic components and craft materials. Through these kits, my students will be able to create and engage with technology which is critical when preparing them for the future.

It would be amazing if you could support our fundraiser for BirdBrain Technologies with a generous investment.

Here is the breakdown of our goal of $1,864.00 (rounded up to the nearest dollar) for BirdBrain Technologies' Hummingbird Duo Classroom Kit

BirdBrain Technologies Hummingbird Duo Classroom Kit (x2) $1,528.20
PledgeCents partner product sourcing & logistics $186.40
PledgeCents fulfillment & labor $93.20
WePay payment and processing fee $55.92
Total goal amount $1,864.00 (rounded up to the nearest dollar)

The amounts calculated above are used to ensure the fundraising goal covers all fees. Actual fees will be calculated and collected on a per transaction basis, therefore total amounts may vary once the fundraiser ends. Calculated fees consist of a 10% sourcing fee, 5% fulfillment & labor fee and 3% processing fee.

Back Up Plan

I will attempt to supplement the cost so that I can purchase a BirdBrain Technologies kit for my students.

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About the Creator

I am an 8th grade teacher and the STEM Coordinator for my school. I work closely with students interested in STEM and have my own after school STEM program that I run 3-4 days a week without any budget assistance from my site or district.
I believe that all students should be provided doors of opportunities when it comes to learning experiences in the real world and truly support the four "C"s of 21st Century Learning, that of developing "Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity, and Communication" skills that will make our students so much more marketable in the near future where there will be jobs that are not even thought of yet. To me, this is what Hummingbird is trying to support.

Investments (1)



7 years ago