I Keep Losing My Place :(

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will...the reading classes are in a need of Reading trackers to help the students not loose their place while reading their classroom novels. These trackers are colorful thin piece of plastic that are transparent. The students are able to place the tracker on the sentence they are reading and never lose their place.  This is also more important because they can also keep a vocab word they don't know safe while they look it up in the dictionary for their vocabulary notebooks.  No more trying to keep your finger on the word so you don't lose your place. Each box is $35.00 for 100 trackers. We are looking to get one box so that every student will have their own. This will take away all the frustration of losing their place while trying to comprehend what they are reading. Other classes have tried these trackers and the students love them. They are used in independent reading along with guided whole group reading as well. We want every student to love reading and not have to worry about something simple as where they were in the book. Your donations will go a long way in helping every reading student to fell confident when it comes to bettering their reading skills.

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If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...all donations will go towards the trackers.

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