Reading Eggs, Oh My!

The Description

With these funds I will purchase a class subscription to Reading Eggs. A typical day in my classroom is full of excitement from young and eager learners. My students are always excited to learn something new and watching them truly understand a concept is one of the best parts of my job. My students will use this subscription to Reading Eggs to help supplement our reading curriculum in a technology-based manner that is exciting and fun. The program gives them access to learning through technology that they may not be able to receive at home. It also gives them assignments based on their specific level. We will use the subscription daily in our literacy stations. Although my students are just beginning their learning career, there are high expectations for where they should be at the end of the school year. These students come in with a wide range of abilities and are expected to be readers by the end of the school year. Funding this project will help increase the engagement and excitement of my students when working in literacy stations and allow them to use technology every day. My kindergartners love the technology we use! Why not improve while having fun? Worksheets are overrated! Who doesn't love using technology when it is available? Having a class subscription to Reading Eggs will allow my students an opportunity to access technology in a meaningful way on a consistent basis! My students are amazing! They are young and love learning! We have so many things in common, yet are so different. My students love being engaged, love learning new things, and excel in their personalities! Our school is very diverse yet we are a small community full of love and happiness.Many of my students lack the foundational skills they need to become skilled readers. While worksheets are overrated, ReadingEggs offers an engaging online website and app that my students can have access to at their fingertips while reinforcing skills they need in order to become fluent readers. They will be able to access the app as a literacy station and also during their free time when needed. In order for our students to be globally competitive in the future, it is so critical to have the appropriate digital resources.


Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase leveled readers for my classroom to enhance small-group instruction.

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About the Creator

I have the privilege of teaching 22 excited kindergarten students who enjoy coming to school everyday ready to learn. My students learn best through hands on exploration and are becoming skilled at problem solving and researching to answer their own questions.