Help a Student Go to Farm School

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

At Boston Collegiate Charter School, students come from all 13 neighborhoods of Boston. At the school, located in the southeastern neighborhood of Dorchester, students range widely in race, economic status, and prior educational experience. Some take the train or a bus (and sometimes both) from Charlestown or Jamaica Plain; some students walk from just a few doors down, while others make a 40-minute car trek from West Roxbury or East Boston. At BCCS, these students unite and learn from one another.

The staff at BCCS is committed to providing students with a well-rounded, college preparatory education, but we recognize that the most valuable lessons often aren't strictly academic. With this in mind, we seek to provide eye-opening enrichment opportunities to our students from the day they start with us in 5th grade.

Each year, from among our 208 5th and 6th grade students, we send a diverse and select group of 30 to "Farm School" in Athol, MA. For many, the two nights spent at Farm School will represent their first substantial experience outside the urban environment of Boston.  

During their time at the farm, students come together in building a shared sense of responsibility, community, and supportive risk-taking. At Farm School, students who may have never spoken to one another find common ground and become friends. Students who have never tried new things suddenly find themselves motivated to do so (many attendees, for example, reflect fondly on having discovered a latent love for fresh vegetables!).  This overnight trip does more than just teach students about hard work and sustainable living; it teaches them that, despite differences, we all share common emotions: trepidation when milking a cow, exhaustion and pride after a long day’s work, delight at making unexpected new friends.

Families, if able, make a contribution to help pay for part of the cost of Farm School, but our goal is that financial constraints will never preclude a child from attending. A pledge of $50, or any amount you choose, can help sponsor a child's attendance at Farm School, and will go toward paying for lodging, food, and transportation between Boston and the farm. Your contribution will help an urban 5th or 6th grader discover the joys of rural life and the satisfaction inherent in effortful, productive teamwork.

This year, students will depart for Farm School on Memorial Day.

More information about Farm School and about BCCS can be found at and, respectively.

Back Up Plan

If our goal is not fully met, the funds we do raise will be used to pay for as many Farm School scholarships as possible. 

Fundraiser Updates (2)

Thanks So Much!

June 17, 2016

Many thanks to everyone who helped support our Farm School trip. It was a great success, and many students described it as the "best field trip" of their lives! :) Your support was so helpful in ensuring that as many students as possible could attend, and that finances wouldn't preclude a child's attendance.

Visit this Youtube link if you’d like to see a great video showing our time at Farm School!

(If we have your street address, look for a thank you card in the mail as well! For a number of you, we only have your email address, so feel free to email me your street address if you'd like!

Thank You

May 19, 2016

Hello and thank you to all who donated to our farm school trip! More formal thank yous and updates are forthcoming, but for now we wanted to let you know that we are gearing up for the trip in a couple weeks. Students have been attending weekly hands-on preparation courses after school that help them learn both concrete skills and soft skills, skills as gardening, hiking, and teamwork. Attached is a photo of a gardening course in action!

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About the Creator

5th and 6th Grade Reading Specialist and Advisor at Boston Collegiate Charter School

Investments (13)


Terry and Janice White

8 years ago


Chas Devlin

8 years ago


Cordae Jones

8 years ago


Diane Kyne

8 years ago


Amelia Cutler

9 years ago


Caroline Boecher

9 years ago



9 years ago


S Downes

9 years ago



9 years ago


Marika Papa

9 years ago


Clare O Murphy

9 years ago


Corrine White

9 years ago


Matthew White

9 years ago