Awarding Student Success: Pizza Parrrtay

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

My students work hard throughout the semester to achieve the goals that they have set for themselves. I would like to be able to throw a party for my students to celebrate their successes at the end of the third quarter. I believe it is important that my students are given the opportunity to celebrate their hard work and dedication that they have showed throughout the next 9 weeks.

With your generous donation, I will be able to provide all of my students with a slice of pizza, a drink, and a variety of snacks. This celebration of hard work at the end of the quarter will be an excellent opportunity to show my students that people are invested in their success and keep up the momentum moving into the final quarter of the year.

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, I will use the funds raised to still throw a reward party for my students. I will purchase the pizzas first, and then whatever is leftover will go towards drinks and snacks.

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About the Creator

My name is Chantel and this year I have the pleasure of teaching our English Language Learners in a small setting! I am very excited and look forward to the many adventures I will encounter with them. I love my students and I get super excited when they learn, as I know that each day they learn they become more and more successful! Many of my kiddos do not like to read and I have found that many of what they read in class can come off "boring " for them. It is my goal to push literacy in a fun and exciting way to help motivate them to grow. I know that with the support of great community members, like you, our students will not only be successful but will enjoy the journey as well. Thank you!