Sand and Senses

Verified Non-Profit

$300 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
purchase 2 sensory tables. These tables will be put on the playground for the children to use during recess. Research on early childhood development states that young children learn best through play and social experiences. Sensory tables are a great way to incorporate both learning styles. These tables can be filled with sand, water, beans, rice, soil, and a variety of other textures. Students learn about quantity and density. They learn and experiment with vocabulary such as full, empty, large, small, more and less. They also learn to work cooperatively. All these skills and many others that can be taught with these simple additions to our playgrounds.
Our students love to learn and as Principal it is my job to provide them with as many unique opportunities to learn as I can.
I will purchase 2 sensory tables for $89.99 each. I will also purchase 2 tops for the tables for $39.99 each.
Back Up Plan
I will sensory table for our playground.
About the Creator

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