Help Us To Serve The Poor

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will...

In San Francisco, we call the ghetto the "Tenderloin" where the poorest of the poor live and die.  Their residence is called an SRO, Single Room Occupancy, they are so small they are referred to as Standing Room Only.  The bathroom is down the hallway and they have no kitchens.  Hence there are long lines for hot  food  Many of the residents in these SROs are on drugs, many are elderly.  

The Ministry of Presence Institute, Inc. (MPI) provides chaplaincy services to this population.  We provide memorial services for those who died at the SRO, many times from a drug overdose.  Many of the elderly are isolated and alone.  We wold like to expand our presence and services beyond memorial services.  The money will be used for seminary students as a stipend to fulfill their requirement in field education.  The students will have an active role in the wrap around services, like facilitating groups and one on one support.  You donation will contribute to our presence in the SROs maybe save a life form an overdose, or assuage the loneliness of the elderly.

Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal we will use the funds to expand our presence and services as much as possible through as many stipends that we can afford for our seminary students.

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About the Creator

I am the Executive Director for the Ministry of Presence Institute.