Take My Class to the 21st Century!

Verified Non-Profit

$349 goal

The Description
With these funds I will...
We need a Chromebook laptop. If this project is funded then we will almost reach the goal of having a laptop for every single student in our class this year. I envision setting individualized learning goals for each student above and beyond our basic learning requirements. We have a class subscription to such content rich computer programs as Speakaboos, Big Universe, Storia, CoreClicks and more. My students, 21st century learners, would take to this type of instruction with gusto.
Our class is so close to 1:1 technology. We would be honored if you could help this quest come true. My students have big dreams, and I want to do everything I can to give them the type of learning that they need to succeed in life!
Back Up Plan
If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...and apply the funds to a different much needed DonorsChoose project that I have posted for needed classroom supplies -such as replacing our last century classroom mailbox!
About the Creator

Investments (3)
10 years ago
Gail Petkus
10 years ago
10 years ago
Comments (3)
Julie Ahern January 13, 2015
Julie Ahern January 12, 2015
Julie Ahern January 12, 2015
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