Students with Cameras

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds I will...produce a short film inspired by the students, written by the students, and directed by the students.  The students involved in this production were inspired by true events through personal experiences wanted to produce a film about the trials and tribulations of young adults in their everyday stressful lives while overcoming mental disorders.  In this film, titled Ben, a high school student named Ben is diagnosed with depression and schizophrenia copes with these multiple personalities while trying to hide it from everyone else around him. However, these "personalities" soon become aware of their power over Ben and exploit it to their advantage as Ben slowly loses control of himself and his identity.  His one true friend, Alice, sees the struggles Ben is going through and together they grow closer to overcome Ben's worst fears.  This film will be an entered in the Palm Beach County Student Film Festival.

Our club works hard EVERYDAY after school to produce this film from scratch and are extremely excited to promote this film to the local community.  What would make our film successful is a professional sound microphone to produce the best quality sound and create professional sound effects.  The link below is the equipment we're looking for and we thank you SO MUCH for your support!

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal I will purchase...pre-made music & sound effects and possibly a software that can help reduce the feedback and background noise generated when film-making.

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About the Creator

Charles started his career as a professional actor/writer doing various commercials, radio shows, and TV shows. After seeking his 2nd Bachelors degree in computer animation he created a new career in animated commercials and video game productions. Now Charles follows his passion by teaching students the art of computer animation and helping them create their own short film and/or video game.