Brownmead Primary Academy

Birmingham, England


Our main focus on our return is to establish the rules around school. We are working on how the children line up, move around school and how they sit in assembly. It is important that these rules are established early so that children and parents are clear about the expectations for the year.
We continue to promote our ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour policy, and it is important that all stakeholders are aware of what we are trying to achieve. Our rules are there for a purpose and with British Values now at the heart of what we do, the rule of law and democracy play an important part in society and therefore in school. Remember, with our system, children always have the chance to change their behaviour or response before a yellow card is given.
Another focus will be to work with families to improve attendance. We already have class rewards to good attendance and parents will now be able to see the progress in the foyer.
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My Students Keep Writing With Night Zookeeper!
by Steven Howard
at Brownmead Primary Academy
minutes left

Steven Howard

Year 6 Teacher

As a school we really want to improve writing and would love to have the NightZookeeper as a tool to aid learning.