Cordley Elementary verified non-profit

Lawrence, Kansas


At Cordley we pride ourselves in being able to offer students an environment where high academic standards coexist with warmth and caring. These are characteristics of a great school, and they certainly describe Cordley. From the custodians who clean the building to the teachers in the classrooms, we believe all are driven by one thing- the betterment of each Cordley student.

Our first priority at Cordley is making a positive impact on children's lives and it is exciting to see the results of our efforts. Again, thank you for taking time to visit our site and learning more about our school.

Our goal at Cordley Elementary is to prepare students for life-long learning. This process involves the whole child (physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually) and is a shared responsibility of parents, teachers, students and the community. At Cordley, we believe that every child can learn and each child will achieve his or her unique potential.
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Full STEAM Ahead With littleBits
by Jessica Sadler
at Cordley Elementary
minutes left

Jessica Sadler

5th Grade

I am a fifth grade teach in Lawrence, KS. I work in an ESL school with some AMAZING students and parents.