Evergreen Avenue School

Woodbury, New Jersey


Evergreen Avenue Elementary School is home to 320 students and 60 staff members spanning grades PreK - 5. Our teachers are experienced, warm, and caring individuals who love what they do each day. They strive to create a caring school community where every child feels safe, loved, and challenged.

Our school provides students with many opportunities to develop academic concepts and skills, to think critically, determine interests and special talents, and experience a sense of belonging. Students make daily contributions to their school and their community.

Evergreen is truly a special place; we hope you get a chance to visit our school and see the allure for yourself.
$203 Raised
9 Investors
Awarding Student Success: Pizza Parrrtay
by Mark Grundel
at Evergreen Avenue School
minutes left
Minecraft 4 Teachers Server
by Mark Grundel
at Evergreen Avenue School
minutes left

Mark Grundel

5th Grade Teacher

5th Grade Teacher Empowering Students and Teachers through Gamebased Learning and helping to turn them from consumers of digital technology into producers of digital content.