Natomas Charter School verified non-profit

Sacramento, California


Natomas Charter School (NCS) was approved by the Natomas Unified School District Board of Trustees in the spring of 1993 and began operations in the fall of 1993.

From the beginning, Natomas Charter School has sought to provide students and parents with expanded choices in the types of educational opportunities that are available within the public school system.

The overall goal of the school's charter is to establish a variety of innovative educational programs that will accommodate its diverse student population.

Natomas Charter School provides K-12 students the opportunity to develop unique interests, uncover hidden talents, experience satisfaction in accomplishments, gain a sense of responsibility, and pursue education as a way of life through educational programs tailored to their own specific needs.
$0 Raised
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The World Is An Interesting Place. Math Class Should Be Too!
by Stephen Osborn
at Natomas Charter School
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