Oklahoma City Lighthouse Charter School verified non-profit

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


At Lighthouse Academies, we prepare our scholars through rigorous programs that provide them with a foundation that will allow them to succeed in and graduate from college. Our unique arts-infused curriculum, emphasis on social development and integration of diverse cultural opportunities augments learning and broadens horizons.
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Were Getting Fit!
by Allison Lea
at Oklahoma City Lighthouse Charter School
minutes left

Jesus Vasquez

4th Grade Teacher

First-year teacher engaged in education at a groundbreaking charter school, working in a Title I school, serving a low-income, inner-city population.

Amanda Kissling


I am a Principal at Lighthouse Academies Charter School. I have been working in low-income communities for the last seven years. I strive to ensure all students are held to the highest expectations. I want all my students to know they have the potential to be successful.

Allison Lea

PE Teacher

I am a PE teacher for a high needs low income school.

Julie Boon


My name is Miss Boon

Tamera Sanders


My name is Tamera Sanders

Nancy Keen

prek -5th

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhf f f f f

Maurice Parker

2nd Grade Teacher

My name is Maurice

Kelsi Cook

5th grade teacher

My name is Kelsi and I am a first year teacher in the OKCPS school district.I will be teaching 5th grade ELA and Social Studies. I am really looking forward to teaching this year and helping my students becoming their very best!

Mallory Marlin

preK-5th gr. Art Teacher

I'm the art teacher for a high need urban elementary school. I teach grades pre-K through 5th grade.

Sabra Wixson

PreK Teacher

I am a PreK Teacher in a Title 1 elementary school in Oklahoma City. Over 90% of our scholars are on free or reduced lunch program and are EL Learners.

Maria Ugarte


my name is maria

Rebecca Claborn

Special Education Teacher

I am a Special Education Teacher at a low income school. My students overcome tremendous odds every day.

Nicole Brewer

3rd Grade Teacher

My name is Nicole Brewer and I am a 3rd year teacher and I'll be teaching 3rd grade this year.