Olney Elementary School verified non-profit

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


The goal at Olney Elementary School is to create life-long learners and career ready citizens that celebrate diversity, model integrity, and exemplify excellence in everything they do. It is the mission of our school to provide an active learning environment where each student is valued and challenged to meet his or her individual potential. Our learning community constantly strives to provide appropriate supports, challenges, consequences, and rewards. We endeavor to prepare our students to think independently, work cooperatively, and view obstacles as challenges to be met.
$2,747 Raised
42 Investors
Support Our School-Wide Positive Incentive System
by Michael Roth
at Olney Elementary School
minutes left
Technology for Special Education Students
by Maria Lewis
at Olney Elementary School
minutes left
Help My School
by Samantha Liesner
at Olney Elementary School
minutes left
Funding Feedback for Teachers - Video Coaching Partnerships
by Michael Roth
at Olney Elementary School
minutes left
Help Fund Our School Store and Motivate Students!
by Michael Roth
at Olney Elementary School
minutes left

Michael Roth


Principal Of Olney Elementary School.

Maria Lewis

Special Education Teacher

Hello, I am a second career teacher. I was in the financial world for many years and felt empty. I would go to work and thought I am not making the world a better place, then after much contemplation I became a teacher. I am excited everyday for the prospect of touching the future. I only wish I began this career as a young person, because teachers work harder than any other profession I know.

Heather Crane


I am a teacher of students who come from low income families and attend an inner city public school which has very little to offer in the area of financial support. I have been teaching in inner city Philadelphia for 18 years. My goal is to help each individual student work to their best ability.

Samantha Liesner


I am a sixth grade teacher trying to raise money for my school at Olney Elementary. I am looking to raise $2,000. The money will go towards buying and installing air conditioning, buying text books and supplies for students, buying new technology and programs to help our special needs students and english as second language speakers, and adding to our funds for field trips. Please please please help me raise the money for our kids!

Emily Jacoby

Special Education Teacher

My students are 9, 10, and 11 year olds with autism. Each is unique, but all struggle when sensory situations become too much. They try their best to manage their sensory issues, but many need extra help to compensate. The majority of students come from low income families and attend an inner city public school which has very little to offer in the area of financial support. I have been teaching special education for 12 years. My goal is to help my students achieve to the best of their ability.