Shadydale Elementary School verified non-profit

Houston, Texas


"It is with great pleasure to serve as principal of Shadydale Elementary. As we embark on a new school year, we encourage our students to aim high in and out of the classroom to reach their goals for the future. My philosophy is centered around the belief that
all children can learn and be successful. As an administrator I will facilitate an environment where students can grow academically, morally, and socially. The Shadydale staff and I will continue to work collaboratively as we respect the differences of each student's personality and learning style and enable each student to grow to become the life-long learner and active citizen needed in our society." - Principal Daily

Our mission: To invest in each learner; each day; academically, socially, and emotionally.
$274 Raised
6 Investors
Transforming Classrooms through Technology
by LaFredrick Smith
at Shadydale Elementary School
minutes left

LaFredrick Smith

4th Grade Math/Science Teacher

My first job in the education field was when I was 18 years old. I was substitute teacher for Navasota ISD. It was the weirdest thing being in a classroom of high school seniors and trying to get them to listen to me when we were all so close in age. That year really got me interested in the education field. I decided that I wanted to get more experience in the field to see if it was something I really wanted to do. I was hired on with La Vega ISD to be an after school teacher for an extended school hours program and an AVID tutor. During dismissal one day a student was crying due to some issues at home. That student refused to leave and would not calm down. He began telling me the issue at home; I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The student than ran into my arms crying, we ended sitting in the middle of the gym floor crying together. At that moment, I knew I wanted to work with children and have the opportunity to change their lives. Since then, I have worked as a Summer Camp Counselor, Math Tutor, After School Program Coordinator, Youth Program Coordinator, 4th Grade Teacher, Content Lead and Grade Level Chair. I grew up in College Station, Texas (Home of the AGGIES). I am the oldest of four. I attended McLennan Community College where I received my Associates Degree. I then transferred to Prairie View A&M University where I received my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology with a minor in Behavioral Sciences. I am currently a graduate student at Houston Baptist University; I plan to graduate August 2016 with a Master of Education Degree in Curriculum & Instruction. During my free time I love to travel, spend time with my family and volunteer my time with multiple organizations. I am a member of the Houston Alliance of Black School Educators (HABSE) and I belong to Grace Church of Humble. This year my classroom theme is to “Grow Brains and Build Leaders.” I want my classroom to be a place where students want to come to everyday. I want my students to have the opportunity to absorb all of the knowledge they can this year while serving as leaders of the school and representing KIPP Legacy in everything that they do. I live by the motto that “I will do my best to educate my students by any means necessary” and I expect my students to use that for themselves, “I will learn by any means necessary”.