First Downs for Down Syndrome and Golden Bear Football Fall Fundraiser

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

This is the third year that Turner High School has participated in the First Downs for Down Syndrome Fundraiser. We proudly support this program because it helps our community and our kids. 50% of the proceeds go to First Downs for Down Syndrome and the other 50% go to the Turner High School Football Program. Turner High School is in a high poverty area of Kansas City. Funds for football gear and equipment are limited.This fundraiser allows the kids to have whatever is needed, such as cleats, uniforms, camp registrations -- at no cost to the parents.

Here are the things the kids need in the Turner High School Football program! The total is more than the $2500 split with First Downs for Down Syndrome. We will buy the most needed items after funding!


Training Equipment needed:

2 Attach arch ($240 x 2) = $480.00

4 Speed Sled ($190 x 4) = $760.00

4 Multipurpose Training Sled ($126 x 4) = $504.00

3 Tire tether ($36 x 3) = $108.00


Personal Equipment for students who can't afford it:

10 Girdles ($30 x 10) = $300.00

10 Team Cleats ($140 x 10) = $1,400.00


Total with shipping and fees: $3,914.00

Thank you so very much for your support!

Back Up Plan

We will split the proceeds, giving half to First Downs for Down Syndrome and half to THS Football Team.

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Comments (2)

Laura Gilchrist October 7, 2016

I'm so excited about this cause and about fundraising on Pledgecents!

Dr. Laura Huyett September 15, 2016

So pleased to be able to support Nancy's awesome work. She's kinda a rock star! :-)

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About the Creator

Life skills teacher, junior class sponsor and First Downs for Down Syndrome fundraiser coordinator. I have taught kids ages 14-21 with functional learning needs for the past 10 years.