Stack on Stacks (Of Copy Paper)

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

Teachers fly through copy paper. We try to conserve as much as possible by printing double sided half-sheets. But with the class work, exit tickets, homework, and tests that are printed a lot of paper gets recycled. We also receive a bunch of donations at the beginning of the year, but by the time the second semester rolls around there is not much if any left. That is why I would be forever grateful if you were able to contribute to my seccond semester paper fundraiser.

With the funds that are raised, I will be able to buy 2 cases (10 reams each) of paper that will get me through the end of the year. My students will benefit (even if they might hold a small grudge for helping print a test or two) by having access to high quality practice in and out of class. As a part of my classroom's commitment to recycling, all of the paper that is donated will be recycled after use.

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, I will use the funds raised to purchase as many reams of copy paper as possible.

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About the Creator

Born and raised in the same community that my students live in, I was lucky to have adults in my life that pushed me to be where I am today. Because of my parents and teachers, I can proudly say I am a Duke graduate and TFA alum. I want to be the adult in the life of my students who pushes them, so that their futures are not determined by the zip code they live in.