Loving Learning in 1st Grade

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds we will purchase multiple items to help us get our newly refurbished classrooms up and running!  We are also starting a new phonics program that requires lots of fun hands-on tools to help students grasp reading basics.  We hope to be able to make learning engaging and interactive with the following items.  


Magnetic letters for guided reading:  https://www.amazon.com/Star-Right-Magnetic-Letters-Numbers/dp/B079P5XG6Z/ref=sr_1_44?gclid=Cj0KCQjwhdTqBRDNARIsABsOl99EENm-sqB-mfs6TTMkJgaSfaqjeiVSR860o_MggZZDgDCz5IPbZYcaApV5EALw_wcB&hvadid=295091149571&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9007308&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=b&hvrand=324516091222601602&hvtargid=aud-647006051489%3Akwd-423608857648&hydadcr=24603_9648850&keywords=classroom+set+magnetic+letters&qid=1565879458&s=gateway&sr=8-44

Magnetic letters for centers:


Bulletin Board Border:https://www.amazon.com/Colorful-Confetti-Bulletin-Borders-Classroom/dp/B07G51KLP3/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3A4ARU4W3OVO7&keywords=classroom+borders+for+bulletin+boards&qid=1565880881&s=office-products&sprefix=classroom+b%2Coffice-products%2C334&sr=1-3

Packing tape:


Magnetic Letter Kit
Uppercase Jumbo Letters
Lowercase Jumbo Letters
Adhesive Dry Erase Spots
Easel Pad Post It
Easel Hooks
Magnetic Boards
Rainbow Classroom Labels (ROLL)
Rainbow Name Tags
Desk Name Plates
Post It- Self Adhesive 
Name Plate Sleeves 






We are also asking for a sound field system. This is important because children are still developing their language skills and vocabulary, thus making correcting miscues and filling in blanks from words they miss difficult to do on their own. Sound field systems are an effective way to bridge this gap and improve the learning environment for all students. The strategically placed speaker amplifies a teacher’s natural voice, allowing students to access all orally presented information.  In technical terms, the signal-to-noise ratio is improved for all students.  In other words, the teacher’s voice becomes louder than other possible classroom distractions (ie: other children talking, chairs moving on the floor, etc).  The teacher can be mobile around her classroom while still projecting her voice uniformly throughout the room.

Other benefits:

​-Easy set-up and maintenance

​-Does not interfere with other classroom technology

​-Less strain on a teacher’s voice: does not need to raise voice to reach all students in the room

​-improves language and vocabulary (students hear new words and word endings)

​-Especially helpful for students with hearing loss or auditory processing disorder



Back Up Plan

If we do not reach our goal, we will purchase as many items as we can manage. :)

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Comments (1)

Wendy August 17, 2019

Love you guys- good luck with the school year!

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About the Creator

I am a 1st grade teacher at Bache-Martin Elementary School in the city of Philadelphia. I have been teaching 1st grade for 6 years and I just love it. Each year, I enjoy helping students develop the tools to access new knowledge and cultivate a lifelong love of learning. I am inspired by how much my students grow both academically and socially in just a year. We really learn to work together as a crew and support everyone's learning. We start the year as an eager bunch of students ready to learn and we develop into a crew of scholars who have a toolbox of strategies for continued success.

Investments (14)


Heather Crane

4 years ago


Tara Desmond

4 years ago


Kathryn Hurchla

4 years ago


Nichol Foster

4 years ago


Sharon Tice DelCotto

4 years ago


Soma Banik Banerjee

4 years ago


Johanna Isaacs

4 years ago


Glen DeSalvo

4 years ago


Phoebe Sutherland Kaufman

4 years ago


Wendy Sedlak

4 years ago


Kelly Cleary

4 years ago


Christine Gawrych

4 years ago


Noreen DeSalvo

4 years ago


John Hansford Goshorn

4 years ago