Help Build The Foundation: Startup Classroom Supplies

The Description

After completing Teach for America - 2016 Philadelphia Institute I will be responsible for my very own classroom! I can't wait to decorate and meet my students and their families. One of the biggest hurdles that students in high need schools face is a lack of the necessary materials that are needed daily. It makes it infinitely more difficult for students to take part in activities and classwork when they do not have basic supplies.

To get the year started off right, I will use the funds that I raise to purchase the startup supplies needed to welcome my students to a classroom that is clean and stocked full with materials. This will allow me to provide the required supplies to students that otherwise would not have them. I will also purchase copy paper to ensure that I can provide my students with high quality learning materials, whether that is exit tickets, independent activities, or homework.

Here is a complete list of the materials that your generous investment will help provide for the students of my very first classroom:

  • 2 Boxes of Paper (10 Reams) - $50
  • Kleenex (18 Pack) - $36
  • 2 Boxes of Pencils (288 Count) - $32
  • Paper Towels (12 Rolls) - $28
  • Anchor Chart Paper (2 Pack) - $27
  • 2 Packs of Dry Erase Markers (32 Count) - $22
  • Hand Sanitizer (Pack of 2) - $20
  • 3 Packs of Erasers (36 Count) - $18
  • 2 Packs of Ballpoint Pens (48 Count) - $15
  • Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (3 Pack) - $12
  • Grading Pens (12 Count) - $12
  • 3x5 Index Cards (10 Packs) - $12
  • Pack of Highlighters (50 Count) - $10
  • Post-it Notes (24 Pads) - $9
  • Sharpie Chart Markers (8 Count) - $9
  • Sharpie Permanent Markers (12 Count) - $7
  • Paper Clips (Assorted 450 Count) - $6
  • Binder Clips (30 Count) - $3

Back Up Plan

If I do not meet my goal, I will purchase as many materials as possible. I will prioritize the materials that are most essential to students (pencils, paper, etc.) as they are the most important to ensuring that students can participate in daily lessons.

Fundraiser Updates (1)

Thank You!

July 6, 2016

As I sat here this afternoon, thinking to myself about how it has only been the first two days of teaching middle school English in inner city Philadelphia, I was in need of some serious inspiration. Going into this, I knew I was up for a challenge--but I'm not quite sure I realized how much of a challenge it truly would be. A challenge of patience... understanding... everything, at times thinking, "What have I gotten myself into?" It is clear to me that these kids need love--more than some of us will ever know. They need love, support, guidance, and everything that years of home problems, bad teachers, and societal issues have denied from them. But when I checked my donation page today and noticed that in only ONE WEEK I was able to surpass my goal, I was able to find my inspiration. To my family, my friends, and everyone who has supported me throughout this journey, I cannot begin to express my sincerest gratitude. On the first day of class this fall, my students will be able to feel loved and appreciated because of each of you and your generosity. They will have pencils, notebooks, technology equipment and everything needed for them to succeed because of you, and I cannot express just how important that is. For the majority of them, for the first time in a very long time, they will be able to feel like they matter. Thank you all for setting me up for success... I really truly could not do this without each of you. When the going gets tough, I am able to know that I have many hands on my back pushing me forward. I blessed and honored beyond words. 

Comments (3)

Susan Craig July 5, 2016

Congratulations Sarah Born. We are so very proud of you. Go out there and make a difference. We love you!
Tom, Susan and Conor

Jolyn Hampton June 30, 2016

Wishing you the best as you start this next chapter of your life.

Jordan Hampton June 28, 2016

So proud of you sister friend! I love ya!

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About the Creator

I am excited to be a part of the TFA family and join the movement to solve education inequity in this country and provide all students with a quality education. I'm fortunate to have the chance to join a teacher corps comprised of leaders who have committed a minimum of two years to teach in high need public schools. This summer I am participating in an intensive skill and knowledge development program aiming to increase student achievement as well as a comprehensive professional development program including seminars, discussion groups, workshops, and content and professional learning communities specific to teaching license areas. I can't wait for my first year with Teach for America and to meet all of my new students!