Creekview Cheerleading

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

With these funds Cheerleaders will pay for UCA Spirit Cheer Camp, Camp clothing, and other expenses.  Camp is approximately $500 per Cheerleader, Camp clothing is approximately $250, other expenses such as banquet and Spring Show are approximately $50.  

All 14 cheerleaders will attend camp as well as receive camp clothing. 

When donations are made, they should include the name of the cheerleader you wish to support.  

This fundraiser is important because we want all cheerleaders to be eligible to participate regardless of financial status.  

Camp dates are: July 17, 2023 - July 20, 2023


Back Up Plan

Cheerleaders are responsible for cost of cheer camp and camp clothing.  This fundraiser is to assist with those payments.  If the cheerleader does not raise funds, the cost for cheer camp and clothing will be all "out of pocket" expense.  

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About the Creator

Cheerleaders raising money to pay for camp and future expenses.