Step Up to Multiplication!

Verified Non-Profit

$5,155 goal

The Description
With these funds we will purchase Multiplication Stair Treads- a fun tool for memorizing multiplication facts! The idea is for students to visualize and have a constant reminder for learning their math facts. Putting math facts on our stair treads will increase our school's learning resources by putting the equations right at our students' feet and increasing the repetition, by students seeing them everyday. Because they are in an unusual place, students will seem to think the math facts are more exciting than on a wall or other locations around the school. Additionally, these multiplication stair treads will support our newest school-wide initiative: a challenge to master all 0-12 facts. Winners of this challenge will receive a variety of awards and sponsored prizes!
Back Up Plan
If we do not reach our goal we will host jeans day fundraisers, in which staff and students can pay to dress down-- $1 for students, $5 for staff.
About the Creator

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