College and Culture Trip

Verified Non-Profit

Verified Non-Profit

The Description

     With these funds, I will pay for busses to visit the University of Saint Thomas in Houston, TX. Our students are thrilled at the thought of seeing a college campus, speaking to current students, and learning about the many activities that students partake in. Our student population is currently comprised of low-income, at-risk populations living in underserved communities. Unfortunately, many of them have little to no opportunities to visit a campus on their own. Many of these hard-working children will become first generation college graduates in the near future.

     Visiting this campus will not only make their goal of attending college more concrete and provide an enriching experience, but it will also give them a solid reference as to what we are talking about when we speak of \"college". I believe it is my responsibility as an educator to find opportunities that will continue to fuel my student's desire to attend a four year university, and I would be very grateful if you team up with me to create this one for our children.

Back Up Plan

If we don't reach our entire goal we will work to find other means of going on this trip such as organizing a carwash or garage sale. The point is to provide an opportunity for our kids to see what college is all about and get them excited about this school year. Having a great year means being one step closer up that mountain to college. 

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About the Creator

6th grade humanities teacher at KIPP 3D Academy in Houston, TX

Go Tigers!

Investments (6)


Ileana Cerda

9 years ago


Carlos Marquez

9 years ago


Michelle M Lee

9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago



9 years ago