Greenfield School

Greenfield, Tennessee


Greenfield Schools is a PreK-12 grade school with a total enrollment of 559 students and a Student to Teacher Ratio of 15:1. At Greenfield School, the student body makeup is 49 percent male and 51 percent female, and the total minority enrollment is 9 percent. Greenfield School is recognized in the National Rankings and earned a bronze medal in 2016 from “Best High School” published by U.S. News & World Report. Schools are ranked based on their performance on state-required tests and how well they prepare students for college. Current Graduation Rate stands at 97%.

The mission of Greenfield Schools is to provide each student with the opportunity to reach his or her maximum potential and to become a life-long learner in an ever-changing society.
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A Cozy Classroom Needs A Standing Table
by Johnna Taylor
at Greenfield School
minutes left

Johnna Taylor

First Grade Teacher

I'm from a small rural area in Northwest Tennessee. I've taught 23 years in the school I grew up in. I've taught First Grade, Kindergarten and Pre-K. I just found out a few weeks ago that I am moving back to First Grade after being in Kindergarten and Pre-K for many years. I am also the High School Cheer Coach.