Klondike Elementary School

West Lafayette, Indiana


Klondike Elementary School in West Lafayette, Indiana, serves 1007 students in Kindergarten through Grade 5. Located near Purdue University, Klondike benefits from the rich diversity of the global community with students from thirty-six different countries in attendance. Klondike Elementary School operates a school-wide Title I program to provide students with extra assistance in reading and math. Klondike provides a caring, safe, and encouraging environment that is conducive to student learning. At Klondike Elementary School, we believe all children can and will learn. We are a community of lifelong learners who embrace change, respect diversity, accept personal responsibility, and pursue a sense of fulfillment.
$4,257 Raised
11 Investors
Reflex for Success
by Samantha Mitchell
at Klondike Elementary School
minutes left
Reflex for Success
by Samantha Mitchell
at Klondike Elementary School
minutes left

Samantha Mitchell

2/3 High Ability Teacher

Hi there! My name is Samantha Mitchell and I am currently a teacher at Klondike Elementary School in West Lafayette, IN. Our classroom is composed of 23 motivated students in a multi-age 2/3 High Ability class. All of my students have a love of learning and a passion to experience the world using hands-on activities. They attend a public school where the expectations are rising daily. In order to reach these goals, new and creative strategies are needed. These projects reflect that of the wants/needs of our students. They drive our learning!