Lillian Fletcher Elementary

Homer, Michigan


This is a school in a small community in Michigan. Lillian Fletcher Elementary houses grades Kindergarten-4th grade. Our dedication to your child's education! Lillian Fletcher offers your child a nurturing, caring environment with many fabulous perks!
$754 Raised
21 Investors
Semester 2 Kickoff...Supplies, Supplies, Supplies
by Angela Breneman
at Lillian Fletcher Elementary
minutes left
The Next Generation: Help Bring Nearpod To My Classroom
by Angela Breneman
at Lillian Fletcher Elementary
minutes left
Chromebooks for the Classroom
by Angela Breneman
at Lillian Fletcher Elementary
minutes left
Personalized Learning Headphones
by Angela Breneman
at Lillian Fletcher Elementary
minutes left
Mobile Learning For Students With Special Learning Needs
by Angela Breneman
at Lillian Fletcher Elementary
minutes left

Angela Breneman

Special Education Teacher

I am a teacher of students with a variety of needs. I teach students in kindergarten and 4th grade. I love technology and I use it to infuse students learning and to differentiate often in the classroom. I am a big advocate for co-teaching. I believe inclusion of students with special needs is important because we don't want them to have the label of "the student that gets pulled out." Also, when co-teaching, I am able to provide services to students that need extra support and are at-risk.