Pine Tree ISD

Longview, Texas


The Pine Tree ISD was established in 1847, less than two years after Texas became the nation's 28th state, and James K. Polk was president. Growth was slow but stable, with agriculture being the primary source of income through the turn of the century. The oil boom in 1931 brought thousands of people to East Texas and caused rapid growth for Pine Tree Schools. Since that time, the district's reputation for quality education has attracted steady enrollment.
$20 Raised
3 Investors
Full STEAM Ahead With littleBits
by Robin White
at Pine Tree ISD
minutes left

Shanna Graves

1st grade

I have the privledge of teaching first grade at Parkway Elementarty in Longview, Texas. This is my 10th year of teaching. I have only ever taught first grade because that is my favorite age group. This year I have 18 wonderful students in my class.