Van R. Butler Elementary

Santa Rosa Beach, Florida


Van R. Butler Elementary is a public elementary school located in Santa Rosa Beach, FL. Van R. Butler Elementary School serves students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and in Grades 1-4. Butler Elementary School is accredited through AdvanceED which is designed primarily to distinguish schools adhering to a set of educational standards. The accreditation process is also known in terms of its ability to effectively drive student performance and continuous improvement in education. At Van R. Butler Elementary, our students, staff, families and community members work together to nurture the development of each child – academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. We believe that every student is important and can learn. We believe that learning to read is the cornerstone for all education. We believe that family and community involvement benefits student achievement. We believe that student continuous improvement is essential to the growth and development of both students and staff members. We believe that a safe and secure environment is essential for teaching and learning.
$294 Raised
9 Investors
Lego My Robot
by Jenna Knight
at Van R. Butler Elementary
minutes left
Classroom Library Makeover
by Niki Page
at Van R. Butler Elementary
minutes left
Read About, Write About, Find It Out!
by Jenna Knight
at Van R. Butler Elementary
minutes left
Build Our Classroom Library!
by Linsey Stutts
at Van R. Butler Elementary
minutes left

Linsey Stutts


I am a fourth grade teacher at Van R. Butler Elementary in Santa Rosa Beach, FL. This is my first year in Florida. I previously taught first, second,and fourth grades in Texas, but donated most of my personal classroom supplies (such as books) to other teachers in Texas, as we were unable to bring them with us at the time. This is my thirteenth year in education. I love kids, teaching, and books!

Jenna Knight


I'm just a Florida teacher with Georgia on my mind, a passion for making a difference one child at a time, and an addiction to my sweet little family!

Lisa Litka

1st Grade Teacher

My name is Lisa Litka. I currently teach 1st grade at Van R Butler Elementary in Santa Risa Beach, Fl. Teaching first grade students to read is the number one objective in my classroom. Since students love technology, my goal is to combine technology with reading by implementing reading programs on tablets for the students to use. I have 17 students and four tablets. I would be grateful to obtain more tablets. I'm convinced that the reading levels of my students will increase exponentially through the added reading programs on the tablets. Thank you!!!

Niki Page

1st Grade Teacher

I'm a very passionate first grade teacher located in sunny Florida who strives to offer students the very best!